Life, As I Know It

Life, As I Know It

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Start

So it's Christmas Break and I have been totally revitalized!!! I haven't had to deal with the stresses of school at all and it has been heavenly--but that doesn't mean I don't want to go back! That means that I am ready to go back and I am very optimistic. My classes shouldn't be too hard and I finally got a new job!!! I just had an interview and was hired today to work in the library at BYU as an access services desk clerk. I had no idea what that meant at first but basically I'll be the person who checks people's books out for them. I'm way excited! I start on Monday. One really great thing about it is that they are building my work schedule around my class schedule so I don't have to worry about that! And this job will give me some experience in my preferred future field!! I finally feel like I'm ready to take everything on!! Hopefully I don't sink back down like I did last semester!

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