Life, As I Know It

Life, As I Know It

Thursday, December 11, 2008


When Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane he used the Aramaic word "Abba" to address His Father in Heaven. "Abba" simply means "Father" in the informal sense of the word. He didn't say "Thou master of the universe" or anything like that to distinguish the greatness of God, it was just a simple father. This way of speaking bypasses the formality of prayer and allows him to simply converse with the father. We all should strive to have this type of relationship with our Father in Heaven. We need to become as little children and trust in God the way little children trust in and look up to their parents. When we have this kind of trust we can pray for our daily needs with the assurance that whatever the father gives us will be good. We are all already spirit sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven, but we have moved away from that relationship. We need to reclaim our relationship with God--to return to God--and trust Him with our lives.

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